Sunday, May 25, 2014

My Healthy Dinner With Olive Garden Salad Dressing

Last time I went to Costco, I was thrilled to have found Olive Garden Salad Dressing.  Now I don't know about you, but the Olive Garden salad dressing is the whole reason I even go to The Olive Garden.   The taste is simply amazing.  It's so hard to duplicate, and I have tried.  So when I got the opportunity to purchase this great stuff I didn't hesitate.  
Tonight I decided I would use this for the first time. On the menu was grilled chicken marinaded in Olive Garden salad dressing, my Gritalian salad using the Olive Garden salad dressing, and corn on the cob. 

 I used 3 large chicken breasts and placed them in a bowl, next I added some Olive Garden salad dressing on top of the chicken and let marinade for 6 hours turning chicken after 3.  
Tip #1: I pound out my chicken with the flat part of the meat tenderizer, I do this so the chicken is not so thick and it is cooks faster and more evenly. Tip # 2 : If you place your chicken in a ziplock bag and pound it you won't have splatters everywhere and you will be left with a fast clean up.  
I then place chicken on preheated grill.  Grill until juices are clear but don't over cook or chicken can become very dry.  
Tip # 3: I added some Olive Garden salad dressing on top of my cooked chicken for a sauce.  This adds extra flavor to the already cooked chicken.  

My Gritalian salad consisted of half of a head of lettuce, 1 stalk of romaine lettuce, 1 small container of feta cheese, can of olives of your choice, onion, croutons, and Olive Garden salad dressing.  I call my salad Gritalian because it has feta cheese so it's greek and the italian salad dressing.  So I came up with the name Gritalian.  

Feel free to try the chicken and salad and let me know what you think.  

1 comment:

  1. YUM! Hello, that looks awesome! Love the "Gritalian"! I've not tried their salad dressings but I'll be on the lookout for them. I think they have them in our Walmarts here in AR.
